
Please refer to the CHANL Core Facilities Policies for information on laboratory and instrument use, and reservation, cancellation, and “no show” policies.


The SM Core TGA5500 is configured to analyze samples up to 600 degC using aluminum pans. Aluminum pans are available in the lab for your use at no additional cost. If you need to go above 600 degC, platinum or ceramic pans may be used. Due to the very high sensitivity of our TGA, the reference pan for the TGA must match the sample pan. Do not try changing the reference pan yourself unless you have been trained by one of our staff members.

Platinum pans are available as “ADD-ON” purchase options in iLab (see below). These pans are for you to keep and use for your personal use with our TGA. Alternatively, you may purchase your own pans and bring them to the SM Core lab for your analyses. When purchasing your own pans, ensure that the pans are compatible with the TA Instruments TGA5500.

** There is a 15-minute minimum REMOTE ADD-ON charge for sample submissions.
ServiceUnitDescriptionUNC (Internal)non-UNC (Academic)non-UNC (All Others)
DSC Instrument Per hourAccess to instrumentation and lab tools and supplies. (NOTE: An initial instrument operation and safety training is required prior to self-use)$16$27$40
TGA InstrumentPer hourAccess to instrumentation and lab tools and supplies. (NOTE: An initial instrument operation and safety training is required prior to self-use)$20$33$50
DMA/Rheometer InstrumentPer hourAccess to instrumentation and lab tools and supplies. (NOTE: An initial instrument operation and safety training is required prior to self-use)$20$33$50
MALDI-TOF MS (sample submissions only)Per half hourPrices reflected are for instrument time only. “ADD ON – Remote Use”** fee will be added to the tool cost.$50$78$110
ADD ON – Low Temperature TGA pan, reusableEachTemperature range from ambient to 700C. Customers can purchase a pan to keep for their personal use.$365$365$365
ADD ON – High Temperature TGA pan, reusableEachTemperature range from ambient to 1000C. Customers can purchase a pan to keep for their personal use.$400$400$400
ADD ON – TrainingPer hourStaff expert assistance with initial instrument training or customized advanced training.$63$98$126
ADD ON – Remote Use** Per hourCore lab sample analysis includes method development, sample preparation, data processing, chemicals and supplies.$63$98$126

NOTE: The TA Instruments DMA/Rhe, DSC, and TGA instruments utilize the TRIOS operating and data processing software. The TRIOS software is available to our users upon request for installation on their personal computers (Windows OS only). We highly recommend users to perform data processing on their personal computers to maximize their scheduled time in the SM Core lab on sample analyses.